Multi-Media Programs

Social Media Advertising, Radio-Television-Podcast Production, Podcast Production, Event Promotion

Media can be your best weapon or your worst nightmare. An effective multi-media strategy is critical for any Local to remain relevant and grow. With a combined 40 years of experience in digital and traditional, we can help you develop a strategy that works. From executing smart social media, to negotiating media, promoting your job fair, graphics, copywriting, and analytics, project management from start to finish. Union Up will help your Local thrive in your market.

Social Media Advertising

logo, company name
a close up of a sign
a close up of a sign
a close up of a light
a drawing of a face
logo, company name
a close up of a sign
a close up of a sign
a close up of a light
a drawing of a face
logo, company name
a close up of a sign
a close up of a sign
a close up of a light
a drawing of a face
logo, company name
a close up of a sign
a close up of a sign
a close up of a light
a drawing of a face

Radio and Television Production

Union Up produces a wide range of video and audio for the Locals we serve. We produce high quality radio and 4K video commercials and vignettes to tell your story in a compelling way that captures attention on radio and/or television. In addition, we understand how television and radio is bought and sold, where to take advantage of favorable rates, and how to negotiate media to get you the best value.

IBEW 613 Braves Radio Spot - "Misunderstood"

Podcast Production

Union Up creates, produces, directs, hosts/co-host, and publishes union podcasts. Look here for more information on podcasts we've produced.

Event Promotion

Industry Nights and Job Fairs allow Locals to recruit the right people for the right situations. Union Up uses specific targeting, data, and social media to attract the right people for your local. When you allow Union Up to promote your industry nights, you'll fill calls you didn't think possible.

Job Fair Flyer
Job Fair Flyer


Subscribe to Union Up's Solidarity Sunday, a bi-weekly 60-second read, delivered to your email box, with tips and tools on effective communication, recruiting, and marketing.
*Click Here * to read past Solidarity Sunday issues.